Migration to AWS

Migrating your application to AWS is not just a task; it’s an opportunity to unlock the full potential of the cloud. We’d love to help - whether you have a small website or a large, custom-build piece of software.

Migration to AWS


Effortlessly adjust resources to match demand, whether it's scaling up during peak periods or scaling down during quieter times. Ensures optimal performance without over-provisioning.



With a global network of data centers and multiple availability zones, AWS provides high availability and redundancy, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity.


Cost Efficiency

AWS's pay-as-you-go pricing model means businesses only pay for the resources they use, eliminating the need for upfront capital investments.

Projects and case studies

MAB Architektura – off-site backup

Simple, yet powerful solution - ensures peace of mind, without costing the earth.

MAB Architektura is an architecture company, providing design, planning, and approval services to both small and large companies. Their business-critical data needed to be backed up at an off-site …