
Automation that saves time, money and resources. Companies implementing DevOps improve communication, collaboration and deliver faster than their competitors. Reliable and resilient architecture makes it easy to mitigate and quickly recover from any service disruptions.


Deployment pipelines

Accelerate the pace of delivery while minimizing the risk of errors, creating a more reliable and predictable release cycle.



Not only streamlines the provisioning of resources on AWS but also enhances the consistency and reliability of your infrastructure.



Empower your team to move faster and innovate with confidence thanks to efficient deployment processes, and the automation of repetitive tasks.

Projects and case studies

Transforming Integriser's E-Commerce Infrastructure with AWS

Integriser partnered with AWS and Mysterious Code to implement a scalable, efficient solution for their e-commerce application, resulting in enhanced traffic capacity, reduced complexity, and optimized resource costs.

Integriser’s e-commerce application struggled with scalability and resource demands due to rapid growth. Partnering with Mysterious Code and AWS, the company implemented a robust solution …

Enhancing Development and QA Efficiency at Sova using AWS CloudFormation and AWS Fargate

Mysterious Code optimized Sova’s development and QA processes by containerizing applications on AWS, achieving significant cost savings and 70% faster deployment times.

Sova faced a critical challenge in their development and quality assurance (QA) processes, hindered by limited test environments and escalating costs. Leveraging its expertise in AWS and an intimate …

MAB Architektura – off-site backup

Simple, yet powerful solution - ensures peace of mind, without costing the earth.

MAB Architektura is an architecture company, providing design, planning, and approval services to both small and large companies. Their business-critical data needed to be backed up at an off-site …

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