Cost optimisation

When innovating, it’s easy for the costs to balloon out of control and quickly become an obstacle. Let’s optimise your infrastructure, to keep the cost low while you do what do you best - focus on your business.

Cost optimisation

Controlling costs is a crucial aspect that can often become a challenge. The rapid evolution of technology and the allure of cutting-edge solutions can lead to cost escalation. However, our commitment is to empower you to innovate without the fear of spiraling costs. Let’s strategically optimize your infrastructure on AWS, ensuring that your expenses remain in check, allowing you to concentrate on what you do best – focusing on your business.

Cost optimization within the AWS environment is not just about reducing expenses; it’s about aligning your infrastructure with your business goals and ensuring that every resource is utilized efficiently. We employ a holistic approach that involves assessing your current infrastructure, identifying opportunities for optimization, and implementing strategies to maximize cost-effectiveness without compromising performance.

Our team leverages AWS tools and services to provide granular visibility into your resource usage. Whether it’s through AWS Cost Explorer for in-depth cost analysis or AWS Budgets for setting and tracking budgetary goals, we ensure that you have a clear understanding of your spending patterns. This transparency is crucial for making informed decisions about resource allocation and utilization.

We implement cost allocation and tagging strategies to help you identify and categorize expenses accurately. This not only facilitates precise tracking of costs but also enables you to allocate expenses to specific projects or departments, providing insights into resource utilization at a granular level. By doing so, we ensure that your AWS resources are aligned with your business priorities.

Our optimization strategies extend to rightsizing instances, leveraging reserved instances, and exploring serverless architectures to match your infrastructure with actual demand. These approaches not only enhance cost efficiency but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly IT environment.

Regular reviews and updates to your cost optimization strategy are integral to our approach. As your business evolves, so do your cost considerations. By staying proactive and responsive to changes in your infrastructure and business requirements, we ensure that your cost optimization strategy remains dynamic and effective.

Our commitment to cost optimization on AWS is a partnership in ensuring that your innovation remains agile, efficient, and sustainable. Let’s work together to create an infrastructure that not only supports your business growth but does so in a cost-conscious manner. With our expertise in AWS cost optimization, you can innovate boldly without the fear of cost becoming an obstacle on your path to success.

Projects and case studies

Enhancing Development and QA Efficiency at Sova using AWS CloudFormation and AWS Fargate

Mysterious Code optimized Sova’s development and QA processes by containerizing applications on AWS, achieving significant cost savings and 70% faster deployment times.

Sova faced a critical challenge in their development and quality assurance (QA) processes, hindered by limited test environments and escalating costs. Leveraging its expertise in AWS and an intimate …

MAB Architektura – off-site backup

Simple, yet powerful solution - ensures peace of mind, without costing the earth.

MAB Architektura is an architecture company, providing design, planning, and approval services to both small and large companies. Their business-critical data needed to be backed up at an off-site …